Jumat, 13 November 2009

Sri Mulyani: Stimulus Fiskal Akan Dilanjutkan di 2010

Jakarta - Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani menyatakan program stimulus fiskal akan tetap dilanjutkan pada tahun 2010 untuk proses pemulihan ekonomi yang terpukul oleh krisis keuangan global.

Penerusan program stimulus fiskal di 2010 ini merupakan pernyataan bersama para Menteri Keuangan di negara-negara yang tergabung dalam Asia-Pacific Economy Cooperation (APEC) terkait kebijakan stimulus fiskal dan exit strategy .

"Stimulus fiskal, program yang diluncurkan untuk mencegah anjlokan perekonomian di tingkat lebih dalam, dilanjutkan hingga 2010. Namun, kami sepakat agar dipersiapkan strategi untuk keluar dari ketergantungan stimulus," ujar Sri Mulyani dalam situs Departemen Keuangan, Jumat (13/11/2009).

Sri Mulyani mengatakan perlu adanya kebijakan reformasi struktural baru di luar stimulus fiskal dan moneter untuk menjaga pertumbuhan ekonomi berkelanjutan.

Dalam pertemuan APEC tersebut, disepakati pemberian dana stimulus tidak akan dihentikan sampai perekonomian benar-benar sudah aman. Paket stimulus dianggap penting untuk mempercepat proses pemulihan ekonomi yang terpukul oleh krisis keuangan global yang berawal dari Amerika Serikat.

Paket stimulus ekonomi diharapkan tidak hanya berdampak positif terhadap negara yang menjalankannya, tetapi juga terhadap negara lainnya.

Selain memuat pandangan terkait kebijakan stimulus fiskal dan exit strategy , terdapat beberapa poin penting yang juga menjadi kesepakatan para menteri keuangan, yakni terkait dengan reformasi untuk mendukung pertumbuhan yang kuat, berkesinambungan dan seimbang, serta memperkuat sistem keuangan dan fasilitas pendanaan untuk pertumbuhan berkelanjutan.

Sri Mulyani juga menegaskan perlunya kewaspadaan terhadap tiga tantangan yang akan dihadapi negara berkembang termasuk Indonesia, yaitu fluktuasi kurs, arus modal, dan harga komoditas.
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Rabu, 04 November 2009

Carrefour Kini Miliki 79,89% Saham Alfa Retailindo

Jakarta - Setelah melakukan akuisisi terhadap PT Alfa Retailindo Tbk (Alfa) sebanyak 75% saham, beberapa tahun tahun lalu. Kini kepemilikan saham PT Carrefour Indonesia (Carrefour) di Alfa meningkat menjadi 79,89% karena adanya proses tender offer saham yang wajib dilakukan Carrefour sebagai pemegang saham mayoritas baru.

"Kepemilikan saham Carrefour di Alfa saat akuisisi 75%, sekarang 79,89% sejak tender offer," kata Direktur Legal Carrefour Farida Helianti Sastrosatomo saat acara konferensi pers di Hotel Le Meredien, Jakarta, Rabu (4/11/2009).

Meningkatnya kepemilikan saham itu, kata dia, merupakan dampak dari tender offer yang wajib dilakukan sesuai dengan ketentuan Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal dan Lembaga Keuangan (Bapepam-LK).

Saat ini Carrefour sebagai pemegang saham mayoritas di Alfa, selain itu pemegang saham lainnya sebesar 20% oleh Sigmantara Alfindo dan sisanya 0,11% dimiliki publik.

Sedangkan untuk PT Carrefour Indonesia selama ini kepemilikan sahamnya dipegang oleh Carrefour SA Prancis 66,7%, Netherland BV Belanda 21,81% dan sisanya Onesia BV.

Seperti diketahui putusan Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha (KPPU) kemarin mewajibkan Carrefour untuk melepas kepemilikan sahamnya di Alfa.

Keputusan ini tidak terlepas dari terbuktinya Carrefour telah melanggar UU No.5 Tahun 2009 mengenai monopoli dan posisi dominan sesuai dengan pasal 17 dan pasal 25 ayat 1.

Sampai saat ini pihak Carrefour menolak keputusan tersebut, yang rencananya akan melakukan langkah hukum termasuk kemungkinan besar melakukan banding terhadap putusan KPPU.

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TPF Diminta Beri Rekomendasi Copot Kapolri dan Jaksa Agung

Jakarta - Rekaman penyadapan yang diputar di Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) kemarin menunjukkan bobroknya moral penegak hukum di Indonesia. Oleh karenanya, TPF atau Tim 8 Verifikasi diminta memberikan rekomendasi kepada Presiden untuk mencopot Kapolri dan Jaksa Agung.

Demikian masukan yang disampaikan sejumlah Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat (LSM) kepada Tim 8 Verifikasi di kantor Dewan Pertimbangan Dewan Pertimbangan Presiden (Wantimpres), Jl Veteran, Rabu (4/11/2009).

LSM yang hadir di antaranya Lembaga Bantuan Hukum (LBH) Jakarta, Konsorsium Reformasi Hukum Nasional (KRHN), Pusat Studi Hukum dan Kebijakan (PSHK) dan Indonesian Police Watch (IPW), Komisi Untuk Orang Hilang dan Korban Tindak Kekerasan (Kontras), dan Transparency International Indonesia (TII).

M Nur Solichin dari PSHK meminta Tim 8 Verifikasi memeriksa semua orang yang terlibat dalam pembicaraan dalam rekamanan dan memberikan rekomendasi menonaktifkan Kapolri dan Jaksa Agung.

"Utamanya karena (mereka) tidak bisa mengontrol bawahannya," kata Solichin.

"Kita menyampaikan rekomendasi kepada Presiden untuk mencopot Kapolri, kita khawatir. Tim 8 jangan menjadi pemulung fakta, bukan pencari fakta, kita mendesak tim ini mencopot Kapolri," tegas Ketua Presidium IPW Neta S Pane.

Heni Yuliantono dari TII mengatakan, selama ini kendala reformasi hukum di Indonesia memang berada di institusi Polri dan Kejaksaan. Rekaman penyadapan, katanya, merupakan fenomena gunung es.

"Sebenarnya masih banyak lagi di belakang itu. Oleh karena itu perlu perubahan sistem di kejaksaan dan kepolisian, dan bila perlu pimpinannya diganti," tegas Heni.

"Fakta-fakta di rekaman adalah sebuah persengkokolan jahat dan harus ditindaklanjuti. Kami harapkan Tim 8 menyelidiki penyalahgunaan kekuasaan di lembaga negara, di kepolisian dan kejaksaan, dan hasilnya diumumkan di publik," usul Koordinator Kontras, Usman Hamid.

Sebelumnya, anggota Wantimpres yang juga ketua TPF bentukan Presiden, Adnan Buyung Nasution mengumumkan penyingkatan nama timnya menjadi Tim 8 Verifikasi.

"Mulai saat ini untuk menyingkat dan mempermudah penyebutan, kita namai tim ini Tim 8 Verifikasi, karena namanya ini kepanjangan Tim Verifikasi dan Investigasi Proses Hukum Chandra M Hamzah dan Bibit Samad Rianto. Daripada itu saya juga bingung," ujar Buyung

{sumber = Muhammad Taufiqqurahman - detikNews}
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Emas Kembali Cetak Rekor Harga

New York - Emas kembali mencetak rekor harga tertingginya sehari setelah IMF mengumumkan penjualan 200 ton emasnya ke India.

Pada perdagangan Selasa (3/11/2009), harga emas di pasar London sempat menembus rekor tertinggi US$ 1.087,80 per troy ounce. Sementara harga di New York menembus US$ 1.088,50 per tray ounce.

IMF kemarin baru saja mengumumkan penjualan cadangan emasnya sebesar 200 ton ke Bank Sentral India dan meraup penjualan US$ 6,7 miliar.

Bart Melek dari BMO Capital Markets mengatakan, penjualan emas IMF kepada India itu memberikan keyakinan pada teori bahwa ada pembeli resmi menunggu sejumlah cadangan emas yang tersedia.

"Pertanyaannya sekarang adalah, siapa pembeli sisa emas IMF?" ujar Melek seperti dikutip dari AFP.

"Kami menduga pembelinya adalah China dan negara Asia lainnya, Rusia atau bahkan India lagi karena mereka memegang emas yang relatif sedikit dibandingkan dengan cadangan devisanya yang besar dan ingin mendiversifikasinya dari dolar AS," imbuhnya.

{sumber=Nurul Qomariyah - detikFinance}
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Belanja Pegawai APBN 2010 Naik Rp 25 Triliun untuk Remunerasi

Jakarta - Belanja pegawai dalam RAPBN 2010 naik hingga Rp 25 triliun menjadi Rp 158 triliun. Kenaikan itu merupakan kompensasi dari pemberian remunerasi bagi sejumlah Kementerian/Lembaga (K/L).

"Seluruh belanja pegawai itu Rp 158 triliun. Naik dari Rp 133 triliun pada 2009. Dalam APBN 2010 ini yang kita sebut dengan remunerasi beberapa K/L. Apa itu termasuk kenaikan gaji menteri, sepanjang masuk dalam item yang kita maksud, ya gak masalah," ungkap Harry saat ditemui seusai rapat anggaran di DPR, Jakarta, Selasa (3/11/2009).

Harry menyatakan, DPR telah menyetujui alokasi dana tersebut selagi Menteri Keuangan bisa menjelaskan dasar pengambilan keputusan itu. Pihaknya, dalam hal ini DPR, juga meminta kepada pemerintah untuk melakukan remunerasi K/L

"Itu sudah wilayah APBN 2010. Kita sudah minta pemerintrah untuk lakukan remunerasi beberapa K/L sepanjang anggarannya sudah ada dalam belanja pegawai yang Rp 158 triliun yang masuk ke cadangan," jelas Harry.

Harry mengungkapkan, remunerasi ini bukan menyebabkan gaji para pejabat negara berbeda-beda, tetapi yang membedakan adalah tunjangannya. Tunjangan ini, papar Harry, berbeda berdasarkan risiko kerja para pejabat negara tersebut.

"Kalo gaji saya kira sama. Tapi remunerasi bisa berbeda, tunjangan bisa berbeda. Sesuai dengan tunjangannya, misal menteri pertahanan karena menghadapi perang, mungkin lebih besar tunjangannya," ujar Harry.

{Sumber : Ramdhania El Hida - detikFinance}
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Selasa, 03 November 2009

Chalenges and Opportunity of Coal Industry in Indonesia

The condition of oil price that was so high, has just sharply corrected, but it was not yet clear when it would turn back to the more achievable normal price. For certain, until now the coal price is still high even it has been slightly corrected. Even maybe it would be strengthened again, considering the demand of this mine product has exceeded its supply. During 2007, global deficit of coal supply was 156.5 million tons has triggered the boost of global coal price up to three times within the last two years, which was from US$ 40 to US$ 120 per ton (reference from several types of high calorie coal) in the middle of 2008. Even in the trading in New York Mercantile Exchange in July 2008, the coal contract price in Asian market has reached the new highest record of US$ 137 per ton.

As the seventh largest coal producer in the world, the role of Indonesia would be improving, considering the existing deposit is waiting to be exploited. The recent national coal production during the last five years has grown very fast from 2004 of 132.1 million tons to 216.9 million tons in 2007, and in 2008, it was predicted to reach 226 million tons. Therefore, since 2006, Indonesia has become the second largest coal exporter in the world after Australia, with export volume of 183.9 million ton worth US$ 6.08 billion, overpasses China and South Africa. While in 2007, it became about 190 million tons with a value about US$ 6.53 billion. It means that the average export price was slightly increased.

In line with the export, the domestic coal consumption was also increasing from 2003 of 30.7 million tons to about 49 million tons in 2007, and in 2008 about 50 million tons. Most of them were absorbed by the electricity sector (PLTU), which in 2007 consumed about 35.3 million tons or about 71.8% from the total national coal consumption, among other by PLTU Suralaya 12.5 million tons and PLTU Paiton 12.6 million tons. The others were absorbed by cement industry up to 7 million tons, pulp and paper industry about 1.5 million tons, and some other industry sectors.

As this mine product has become the global primary source of electric energy, it caused the boost of recent coal needs. Indonesia is also pacing in using coal as the main source of electric energy, replacing the role of oil fuel that is becoming more expensive (before the price was corrected recently). The effort is among other that the government is planning to build coal powered electric generator of 10,000 MW within the next three years. Surely, this would boost the domestic coal needs. Until the next 2010, when all the PLTU projects has operating, according to APBI (Association of Coal Company in Indonesia), domestic coal consumption would reach 90 million tons, or there would be an increase of 40 million tons compared to the present needs.
On the contrary, the present domestic coal supply condition tends to decrease, including the supply to PT Electric State Company (PLN), so it increased the load of national electricity crisis. In fact, the problem laid not on the domestic market obligation (DMO) or the obligation of the mine contractor to provide some mine product for the government purposes could not be fulfilled, but it was on the coal price agreement of the government. Beside, the supply problem that was only provided by some companies, and the weather condition that stagnate the transportation of coal by sea.

Therefore, to fulfill the domestic coal needs, the government is also pacing the national coal production growth. At least, the government has tried to conclude the regulation aspect by validating the UU Minerba by the Indonesian Parliament (DPR-RI) by the middle of December 2008. Still, in this case, there should be a description of the implementation that is more comprehensive and conducive concerning the influence of other involved sectors, such as oil and gas, taxation, royalty, national and regional political climate, capital market condition, geopolitics and technology. Among other the overlapping of central and regional regulation as the result of regional autonomy regulation, mafia in the existing Mining Authority (KP), taxation problem that was not consistence, which made some coal company officers were banned. All of these law uncertainties in Indonesia are considered one of the problems of the investor's entry into the mining sector.

Considering the large potency and business opportunity in the coal mining sector in Indonesia, PT Media Data Riset (Mediadata) has made a study in a 500 pages book. This book is very useful for the players, investors candidate, service industry involved, such as heavy equipment supplier, and other financing institution.

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Sugar Industry and Marketing in Indonesia

Since the year 1995, sugar production of Indonesia kept decreasing from 2 million tons to only 1.4 million tons in the year 2000, so this business was not attractive to the investor. The degradation of the national sugar industry was caused by the reducing productivity of the sugar cane field, decreasing old age sugar factories efficiency, and the unstable sugar price, so it weakened the farmer's spirit to plant sugar cane.

However, since the year 2003, sugar industry and trade in Indonesia started to move and encouraging. National sugar production was increased, which was from 1.6 million tons in 2003 to become 2.25 million tons in 2005 and it was increased again to 2.27 million tons in 2006. In last 2008, national sugar production of 58 existing sugar factories was increased significantly from the previous year, to become 2.78 million tons. If it was combined with the refined sugar production that was made of imported raw material, total national sugar production in 2008 became 4.2 million tons. This amount consisted of consumer sugar of 2.7 million tons and refined sugar for food, beverages, and pharmaceutical industries of 1.5 million tons. While total national sugar consumption was 3.5 million tons, which consisted of household consumption of 2 million tons and industrial consumption of 1.5 million tons. Therefore, in 2008, Indonesia has a sugar surplus (self-supporting) for household consumption about 700,000 tons.

The success of increasing sugar production was triggered by the determination of Indonesian government and the involved parties in sugar agribusiness and agro industry to improve national sugar industry so it is able to compete in the international level. The government performed revitalization program for sugar cane plantation, sugar factories, and encouraged the investors to build new sugar factory, especially outside Java. Currently, in Sumatera, Sulawesi, Maluku, and Papua, there is field potency for sugar cane plantation as wide as 576,000 hectares. According to the research result of Sugar Research and Development Indonesia (Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Gula Indonesia - P3GI), out of the field width, about 284,500 hectares are considered proper for sugar cane plant development, with potential production above 65 – 70 tons sugar cane per hectare.

To force the domestic sugar production, in 2009, the government issued a policy of sugar import limitation. In 2007, Indonesia determined the refined sugar import quota of 650,000 tons, in 2009, this quota is cut-off 50%, so it becomes 325,000 tons. Then for raw sugar import quota, in 2007 was as much as 1.55 million tons, in 2009, it was cut-off 20% to become 1.2 million tons. The import quota limitation is expected to trigger the sugar cane farmer to increase their production and national sugar factory could cooperate with the domestic sugar cane farmer.

Besides to achieve the government goal in sugar self-supporting, the effort to increase national sugar production, it was also expected that Indonesia could increase sugar export, so it could compete in the international level. Currently, sugar export of Indonesia is still very low, even it was defeated by the neighboring countries in South East Asia. In the past 2008, total sugar export of Indonesia was only 1,693 tons with total value of US$ 905,000, whereas in 2004, Indonesia was exported sugar of 10,370 tons with total value of US$ 1,974. On the other hand, the opportunity of sugar export of Indonesia was widely opened to the East Asia region, Arabian countries, Africa, even European Union. Therefore, the business opportunity in the sugar industry sector and marketing in Indonesia was opened widely for the investors and other manufacturers.

To identify further about the development of sugar industry and marketing in Indonesia, PT Media Data Riset has carried out a study until May 2009. This study result was prepared in form of report book as thick as about 250 pages. This report study is offered to the investors and the involved interest parties in sugar agribusiness sector and agro industry, domestic or overseas.
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